The Sydney Prize is awarded to students who have written an essay on a topic related to the history of science. This scholarship is given by the Society for the History of Technology and is named in honor of Sidney Hook, a Phi Beta Kappa member who was committed to the ideals of the Society. This award is presented each year at the Society’s Triennial Council Meeting.
The 2023 award winners will be notified by email. In addition to the Sydney Prize, SHOT offers a variety of other awards, grants and prizes that you can learn more about here.
Nazanin Boniadi has been selected to receive the 2023 Sydney Peace Prize, sponsored by the City of Sydney, for her commitment to women’s rights in Iran. She is a leader in the global movement for social justice and a champion of nonviolence, as demonstrated by her tireless activism and advocacy. The City of Sydney is proud to support the work of Nazanin and other peace Laureates who are helping to turn outrage into action.
Physicist and author Sidney Perkowitz has been selected to receive the 2023 Andrew Gemant Award, which is presented annually by AIP in recognition of individuals who have made significant contributions to the cultural, artistic, or humanistic dimension of physics. Sidney has used his research and writing to help bridge the gap between physics and the arts, particularly the fields of music, film, literature, and art, by connecting their concepts with one another.
In the book, Sidney tells the story of his own personal journey to molecular biology. His path to this field was not linear, as he began his career in a different discipline, took many turns, and took his time finding the right niche for himself. His trajectory is an encouraging reminder that there is no single route to success, and it is possible to reach the pinnacle of any field after a long winding path.
Sydney Price is a pre-made Sim that can be found in the Copperdale world, which shipped with The Sims 4: High School Years. He lives with his parents Janae and Marcel Price, siblings Savannah and Jayden, and roommate Kevin Puri. He is seen in several trailers and promotional screenshots for the expansion pack. His hobbies include cheerleading and painting, and he is shown to be bisexual in-game.
The Neilma Sydney Short Story Prize, a competition sponsored by Overland and the Neilma Sidney Foundation, is open to writers worldwide who are not currently members of the magazine. Writers may enter the competition by taking out a subscription for one year (four issues) at the discounted subscriber rate, or by submitting a previously published short story. If an entry takes up the voice or experience of a marginalised identity, authors must identify themselves as belonging to that community in order for their submissions to be considered. See the full rules and regulations here. The winner will receive $5,000 and a publishing contract with Overland.