Singapore Prize 2024

Written by admin on 03/26/2025 in Gambling with no comments.

sgp prize

The Singapore Prize 2024 is awarded to an outstanding book that makes a significant contribution to the understanding of Singapore’s history. It is administered by the Department of History at NUS. The winner will receive a cash award of $50,000.

The winner will be announced in spring 2025. Past winners of the prize include historian Marylyn Tan, poet and writer Wang Gungwu, literary pioneer Wong Koi Tet, and Tamil-language author Sithuraj Ponraj. This year’s shortlist also includes a biography of Singapore’s first Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Yew.

In the event of a tie, the winning book will be selected by a panel of five, comprising Kishore Mahbubani, distinguished NUS Asia Research Institute fellow and professor of history; Meira Chand, novelist and senior lecturer at NUS’ School of Arts, Media and Communication; economist Lam San Ling; archaeologist and historian Peter Coclanis; and Professor John Miksic, head of NUS’ Department of History and director of its Global Research Institute.

Besides the cash, the winning book will receive a grant of $20,000 to support its future publication and dissemination. The sgp prize was established in 2014 to mark Singapore’s 50th anniversary of independence, and is the first book award here to be devoted to the country’s history. The jury will select the winner based on the work’s ability to make Singapore’s history accessible to a wider audience, and its use of photographs, maps, and sketches to bring these stories to life.

The prize was named in honour of NUS’ emeritus professor Jerry Bentley, a world history specialist who was instrumental in establishing the field of world history in Singapore and abroad. It is also a tribute to the country’s rich and diverse multicultural heritage, as well as its deep scholarly tradition of studying the past.

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Matt is a writer at Hello Rookie who loves sports betting and daily fantasy. His passion for football, hockey, and baseball shapes his innovative ideas on the sport. His innovative thought processes have also led to some creative strategies for playing games such as sgp pools.

In addition to writing for Hello Rookie, Matt has been involved in various projects related to the online gambling industry. He has worked with several start-ups to help them build their brand and product offerings. Moreover, Matt has been a contributor to several blogs and forums. He has an excellent track record of delivering high-quality content. His knowledge of the gaming industry allows him to create compelling articles that readers enjoy. He is also a regular speaker at gaming conferences and conventions. This gives him a unique perspective on the current state of the industry. In his spare time, Matt enjoys watching and discussing sports with his friends. He is an avid fan of the Boston Celtics and New England Patriots.

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